Robin Hood and Jesus

Yesterday I heard an anarchist preach in song about the Robin Hoods of the world–linking them to Jesus in ways that should put the pause button on for all of us who see in Jesus a liberator who (like the God of the Jewish prophets) sides with the underdog, the oppressed, the poor. Continue Reading

The Hospitality of a Cussing Community Saint

Tonight I am thinking of the hospitality of a cranky vituperative relative of mine, my Uncle Omer.  He lives in a town of about 400 people in the center of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and perhaps I am thinking of him tonight because the wind has been wicked here in west central Illinois.  Uncle Omer is often out in bad weather, for he’s the township supervisor, and one of his jobs is the drive the snowplow over the whole township, something he begins doing in the middle of the night, so that the roads are clear each dawn. Continue Reading